lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015



This interdisciplinary project consists in a work of investigation on the drug known like crack. You will find information on what’s the crack, as it processes and which are his consequences or damages in the human health to short and long term.

What’s the crack?

The cocaine crack is the form of the cocaine in glasses, which comes usually in shape of dust. It comes in blocks solid or glasses that vary in color from yellow to pale pink or white. This is heated and smoked. The term crack is an onomatopoeia that suggests the noise that do the stones of this drug when heating by the evaporation of the cocaine in base that contain, when freeing of the mix with the baking soda. Also it receives vulgar names by part of the users of this drug eat: rocks, chulas, pops, stones, girls, hard, mercy, ices, rock roll, rock stars or Chespi, among others.

Process of the crack

The crack elaborates in unseen laboratories squeezing the leaves of coca with queroseno. The crack achieves mixing a part of cocaine in shape of clorhidrato, two parts of bicarbonate sodic and water. After the evaporation of the solvent used for the homogenization in the mix of the cocaine, obtains a product that can be smoked, since only the part in shape of base evaporates by means of the heat, remaining the alkaloids in the baking soda that doesn’t evaporate, and whose function is the one to increase the size and the submission of the substance. 

Negatives effects of the crack

Physical and mental consequences when consuming crack:
Effects in the short term:Loss of appetite, increase of the heart rate, blood pressure and corporal temperature, iris dilated, intense euphoria, anxiety and madness, depression, panic and riot.
Effects on a long-term basis:Renal damage, pulmonary, and liver, tumors if it injects, serious deterioration of the teeth, confusion, apathy, garbled exhaustion, irritation and alterations of the humor, frequency increased of dangerous behavior.

How to prevent?

Prevention Strategies: Resist social pressures to engage in substance use, strengthen their self-esteem, improve decision-making and communication skill, manage stress and anxiety, reducing the availability of excess prescription medications and restricting advertising, particularly to young people.


The effects of the crack quickly arrive to the brain and cause a pleasant feeling of short lenght, this carries to the users to increase the frequency of the consumption of drugs and the dependency develops quickly. The devastation in the cerebral cells caused by the use of crack is related with the quantity and frequency of use, since the ester remains in the body during a prolonged time.

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